Alternative Ordering by Check or Money Order

Optimistic Voices CD

Christmas Glass CD

$15.00 in US currency for 1 cd
$12.50 each for 2 to 9 CDs
$10 each for 10 + CDs


Shipping/handling to USA: $1.75 1st CD; .75 for each additional CD
Shipping/handling to Canada: $2.50 shipping/handling for 1st CD; $1.00 for each additional CD.
Other International Orders: $3.50 shipping/handling each CD.

Send check or money order to:

Brien Engel
1888 Alderbrook Rd NE.
Atlanta, GA 30345

(Allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery of international orders)

Be sure to include your Name, Address, City, State, Country, Phone and email.

Please make your check out to Brien Engel.